of our Courses.
Introduction to PEACE Interviewing
3 hours
Basic PEACE Witness Interviewing
2 days
Workplace Investigation
3 days
This is a 3-day course, designed for those who are new to the world of investigations or require a refresher with up to date methods on gathering, securing and presenting evidence to a standard that crown prosecutors seek to build a strong evidential case. The course includes the principles of evidence gathering and investigative interviewing techniques using the P.E.A.C.E model and follows scenarios specific to your organisation. (Public courses contain generic scenarios but can be cross referenced to your organisational needs) This course is supported by participant practical sessions designed to ensure participants implement the skills attained during the course.
Advanced PEACE Investigative
5 days
This full 5-day foundation course is our most popular course and is designed to enable anyone, whether novice or experienced how to interview victims, witnesses and subjects in any circumstance.
The course outlines the principles of the P.E.A.C.E model which is supported by participant practical sessions designed to ensure participants can implement the skills attained during the course. You will leave with a strong understanding of the principles and ethics of investigative interviewing, your responsibilities to the interviewee and the process. You will approach your work inspired to pick up an investigation and start interviewing subjects with confidence.
Train the Trainer PEACE Investigative Interviewing
All of our courses can be taught to selected staff who can be trained to become internal trainers within your organisation. This can provide a cost beneficial alternative if you have a large number of staff who require training.
The train the trainer packages are quoted following a detailed consultation process with your training department. All training material is provided to your organisation and will be available to the trained staff.